Those who delve in evil things will declare their delvings as art. They will tell you what you are seeing is art and if you perceive it as anything other than that, you are the one with the sick view, not them. If you perceive things like spirit cooking as wrong, sick, or evil, then you have the problem. After all spirit cooking where you drink blood and seman and cakes in the form of human bodies…and food shaped like human body parts, babies and flesh, are all normal for the bored elite who need such things to enlarge their bored minds, and ho hum lifestyles. The same as those who gather in Bohemian Grove do so as an old gentlemen’s club for a getaway fun time of delight where they burn “dull Care”, or whatever they call it, which is an effigy of a baby.

As they do these things and drink adrenochrome, they deny any child and human trafficking and any inkling of wrongdoing.

Art in Embassies Program Gave Podestas, Jeff Koons, Rockefellers, Clintons, Marina Abramovic, Rothschilds even James Alefantis Comet Ping Pong owner access to a private shipping channel that could bypass airport security; Sourced | (Pedogate) This is Big. Read more here: Art in Embassies Program Gave Podestas, Jeff Koons, Rockefellers, Clintons, Marina Abramovic, Rothschilds even James Alefantis Comet Ping Pong owner access to a private shipping channel that could bypass airport security; Sourced | (Pedogate) This is Big : conspiracy (

To these people, the ones who are a problem are the ones who point these things out as immoral, wicked, and satanic. Not they who once denied such things, but have now come out and openly embraced their participation in such things. The crazy ones are those making ridiculous claims about their innocent ritual dinners, live art performances, and rituals in the woods, groves, tunnels, caves, and hidden delights in evergreen containers.

It is not a secret that human organ harvesting is a multi-billion dollar business. Yet, when we look into it and report it…fact checkers and others rush out to say it doesn’t happen. They say, you’re crazy they only harvest organs from dead people who pledged their organs upon death to help others and for science. Well, it’s obvious that death is part of the organ harvesting…the question is, how did they die? And isn’t it odd that all those who come forward with such remarks have no real facts or research to back up their claims? Only angy bla, bla, of how stupid you are for believing such things.

Just a little hometown spirit cooking ;) | Pizzagate | Know Your Meme

Deny all you desire, and say this is art, fun, or whatever you want to say about it. Adore those who attend such things and look the other way, call those who oppose such things as full of whatever, and stupid, or conspiracy nuts. It will not change one ounce of what is true and so.

God has had enough of this evil and after watching it from the beginning of Baal and its’ roots, way back when the serpent first entered the garden… and now it’s time to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! THIS SHALL BE NO MORE!



By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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