The cry of the mothers has now begun! No more child ritual abuse, no more drinking adrenochrome of our children! Five mothers have found their voice in this song. They cry out about the suffering of all children who experience terrible things. And they sing of courage, hope and of a world that no longer…Continue readingCRY OF THE MOTHERS

Ask The Real Questions…

PELOSI AND MCCONNELL HAVE SOME ANSWERING TO DO~ President Trump spoke at the Rally in Arizona and he told us how the deep state operatives work their propaganda by taking what they do and blaming him. He reminded everyone of Russia, Russia, Russia, and impeach, impeach, impeach and how they blame others for what they…Continue readingAsk The Real Questions…


WATCH TRUMP RALLY LIVE! PEOPLE GET READY! THE BEST IS YET TO COME! PRESIDENT TRUMP IS TAKING ACTION IN ARIZONA – HE’S JUST BEGINNING TO PLAY HIS TRUMP CARDS! LISTEN LIVE NOW!!!! “We don’t have the luxury of sitting back and waiting for the next election!” President Trump. “They tell me…you are ahead in the…Continue readingTRUMP- SAVING AMERICA!

America In Prophecy…

LIFTING THE VEIL– What we are witnessing is prophecy being fulfilled. It will be a shaking and a gleaning and in the end, the birthright of God’s kingdom is about to be fulfilled. In all of the exposure of the Corporation of the UNITED STATES, INC., and the other corporate masses in London and in the…Continue readingAmerica In Prophecy…


IF GOD BE FOR US, WHO CAN BE AGAINST US? The true art of war is when you have God’s divine protection and his Powerful Host of Heaven watching over you, standing guard. They are at the ready 24/7 and strike on God’s command! Fear not. You belong to God and no body and nothing…Continue readingDIVINE PROTECTION…

What Frontline Are You On?

FAUCI AND HIS VARIANTS ARE EXPOSED FOR THE LIES THEY ARE…. Patented man made virus’s and their laboratory variants have been pushed on humanity with no shame at all by minions who have been well paid to do it. The real Frontline Doctors are taking legal action on behalf of a nonsuspecting public to expose…Continue readingWhat Frontline Are You On?

God’s Army of Believers…

What are they supposed to look like? How are they supposed to be? How are they supposed to navigate through the storm? The one giant the cabal is going crazy over because nothing they have tried seems to take him down is President Donald J. Trump. This is why I believe he is annointed by…Continue readingGod’s Army of Believers…


BE PATIENT AND BEHOLD THE GLORY OF THE LORD…. Everything is in the hands of The Lord our God for his purpose, in his timing, for his PRAISE, HIS GLORY and the MAJESTY OF HIS SON, OUR LORD AND SAVIOR, JESUS THE CHRIST. Not mans. Trump entered the political ring for President with a mission.…Continue readingTHE WAR IS WON

Celebrating The Republic!

Ding dong the corporation is gone! We The People Are Rising Up Free From The Cabal! (almost) Keep On Rising, Keep On Rising! WHO WILL BE FIRST TO RING THE LIBERTY BELL? CELEBRATE – CELEBRATE – IT’S HAMMER TIME! You heard it hear first…and when President Trump retweeted it…that’s when you believed. Not until. Smile…sometimes…Continue readingCelebrating The Republic!


WHAT IS THERE TO GO BACK TO? THERE IS NO NORMAL, ONLY WHAT WE ALLOWED AND TOLERATED. PRESS FORWARD TO A NATION FREE OF THE CABAL! That may sound cold and hard, but it is the honest truth. What we are presently pushing through is the final showdown of ending the Cabal’s system. None of…Continue readingNO GOING BACK…