128 Year Old Church Burns In Manhattan- Is This Symbolic?

East Village fire in Manhattan blazes as the 128 year old Church burns. Arson? The war is on against God and his people! The bell tower houses New York’s Liberty Bell, which pealed to mark the birth of the nation in 1776 and has since been rung for the inaugurations and deaths of American presidents and events such as remembrance of the Sept. 11 attacks, according to the church. Is this a new world order evil sacrifice? Are they telling America Liberty is over? Is this a signal that war is on? Nothing is by chance in this all out war against WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Look beyond the veil!

Historic Church built in 1892 ablaze raising serious questions of arson.

From a comment on the video: “This is the second recent fire in that 7th street building. The owners and managers, FAME ASSOC and R A COHEN MGMT have a documented history of trying to get full condemn orders on their buildings so they can tear down the buildings and rebuild larger more profitable structures. The first fast spreading fire in the e 7th st bldg (february 2020) did not get them a full tear down order. This fire seems to have accomplished that. Look into the history of another of their buildings at 300 east 5th street. In that building, (@ july 2018) workers were sent into the basement after midnight to sledgehammer out the main supporting wall. That resulted in only a partial condemn order, which I overheard management co. employees complaining about, and discussing what needed to be done to get that changed to a full condemn order. I would like to speak to church administration, reporters, investigators about these dangerous people. I will get back to anyone valid who leaves contact info for me. These people must be stopped. Their actions will kill someone.”

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Stand strong Patriots. The destruction the Biden progressive Marxist promised is here. This is an attack on all fronts. Symbolism is everything to these people!

Dianne Marshall

By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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